Being pancaked by an ATV wouldn't have been my ideal death choice. It still isn't. Yet it almost happened. I'm not ready to knock, knock, knock on heavens door and luckily the young sir below me, the one with rosier hair than our favorite ostracized late-night tv host, helped prevent me from knocking on that door. On the way to a secluded location in the desert, I felt like testing the wall climbing capabilities of the ATV. It was only moments later that I was stuck in a vertical position and Trevor was helping me off, but not before snickering and muttering, "you drive worse than my girlfriend". Touche Trevor.
This kid is so gravy. His hats match his shoes-that's gravy. He competes in motorcross for $-that's gravy. He isn't afraid to wear pink-that's gravy. He's been with the same girl for over 2 years-that's gravy. His favorite thing in life is his family-that's gravy. Saving me from killing myself on a quad-that's gravy. After his shoot I was still dwelling on his mellowness. I guess it was his maturity at a "can i see some I.D." age that I thought was exceptionally unique. He's probably wiser than I am. He did spill water on my camera though. A fact that I like to acknowledge every time I talk to him now. His response twenty minutes after he splattered my camera with Aquafina, and drenched me with apologies, and twenty minutes after it stopped working, "We'll go buy you a new camera tonight." Gotta love this kid. This is Trevor Scott.