Travis Velonis -The Liberated Collection-
He's lost in the clouds.Found in outer-space. Admiring the beauty, Puts a smile on his face. Like Disney he's goofy. Laughing is required. Listens to pretty music, It's no wonder he's inspired. Like a good neighbor Travis will be there. Makes you feel comfortable, Like sitting in a beach chair. Unafraid to make himself look like an idiot, with his young sister, Time to upgrade this weak rapper, with a better tongue twister.
I woke up from a short nap awhile ago, feeling strange -- anyone who knows anything about me knows that this happens frequently when I wake up from naps. I plopped down on the piece of furniture that arguably gets more use than my bed, my computer chair, and started writing for this post. I thought about Travis and what I learned about him and my fingers started typing. Before I knew it I was penning a rap. I've been known to revisit my high school days, a moment where I was blessed with fictionalized street cred, or maybe it was a recent conversation I had with my friend Phil about the nuances of past and present hip-hop, but I think it was a subsconscious shout out to my boy Travis that made my brain struggle to create anything but a failed rhyming scheme.
You see, I found out immediately that we shared a bond for good hip-hop -- also quiet chillwave, and other obscure genre's and artists. In a matter of thirty minutes I discovered that besides being incredibly genuine, defiantly modest, and a super fan of smiling, Travis and I shared a list of similarities. We both adore music to a religious degree, we honor the inner nerd in us by practicing hand-eye cordination via video games, amazingly we both subscribe to the most epically awesome comedy sketch group on youtube, and we both have a passion for basketball, though we didn't play in high school. He's like what I would have been in high school if I was cool. Without further adieu, I give you my long lost friend... This is Travis Velonis, and he's been liberated.