June 2011 Music Playlist

 June desert scene

1. Live Those Days Tonight- Friendly Fires

I've only recently discovered FF, and truth be told their album cover caught my eye somewhere.
Their new album Pala is a infectious, glitzy, dance party album. Too much fun not too listen.

2. Starry Eyed- Ellie Goulding
There's something adorable about this english singer/songwriter. A google image search of her will pull up self portraits taken in front of a mirror. She has relatability. This little jam is an airy dream.
3. Marry The Night- Lady Gaga
 I refuse to take her serious after her disastrous cover art for Born This Way, and the verdict is still being decided for me on whether or not she's topped Fame Monster. It looks bleak, but this is one of the album's bright spots.
4. Ice Cream- Battles
An applicably titled summer song, from an experimental rock band who's so brazenly bizarre, they're charming. Their new album --like this song, has pop wings. It could just take off.
5. Beautiful People- Chris Brown
Alas my music snobbery is snuffed out again. My great friend Katie threw this on during our road-trip to CA last month and I had my reservations about listening to Chris Brown, but I'm glad those were flattened. This song was downloaded and then played at least 50 times a few days after that trip. It's still as addicting as the first time I heard it -- "Everywhere, everywhere..." You'll probably see this in a Liberated recap film soon. :)
6. Anti-D- The Wombats
This convinced me to buy the album. I can't help appreciating 1-take music videos.

7. Ghost Train- Summer Camp
Apparently the result of a collision at a summer camp, this boy/girl duo have the most anticipated EP coming out this summer. The entire EP sounds like it could have fit right into the "Pretty In Pink" soundtrack. Deelish, upbeat synth-pop will fit perfectly into my summer plans.

8. Beth/Rest- Bon Iver
Justin Vernon & Co release their first album in over 3 years next week and this is the closer. It sounds NOTHING like the the 9 songs that come before it, sounding like a 80's ballad from the likes of a Phil Collins. There's something terribly tragic about it, but it's beautiful and so different from the rest of their body of work.

9. You Are A Tourist- Death Cab For Cutie
Indie superstars release another new album, which is sure to stray even further from the sound and style that the die-hards grew to love. But this song works.

10. Float On- Blackbird Blackbird
Chillwave has a love affair with Modest Mouse. This is their lovechild.

11. If You Wanna- The Vaccines
Discovered this band a week ago. I yell the hook to this song at cars next to me at stoplights. Most fun I've had in years.

12. Surface- Teen Daze
Anyone who follows my blog knows that I am obsessed with this bedroom producer. He creates music that sounds like it was made in a entirely different universe. He signed to a stuffy label --kinda scared about that, and will unleash his new EP at the end of the summer. Just in time to make us lusting for more sundrenched afternoons and poolside parties.

13. Running Up That Hill (Cover)- Placebo
I love discovering music through commercials. Ten years ago I would have been throwing my head against a wall trying to uncover the song info.

14. Virgin- Manchester Orchestra
Their most mature sounding album to date. This track has a child choir. EPIC.

15. We've Been Had- The Walkmen
Lead Vocalist Hamilton Leithauser's pipes are strangely impressive. Sing-songy, with a punch of bravado, this guy is fun to sing along with. Ask my sister Kaylee. I screamed this song last time it came on while she was fortunate to be riding shotty. Check out the cute commercial it was featured in while you're at it.

16. I'll Play For You- Seals & Crofts
Claire Francis put me on to these guys. Definitely a throwback but you can see how they're the inspiration for a lot bands. And yes, I'm a hopeless romantic, I had to throw in this one.

17. I'm On It- J. Cole
I love Derrick Rose. I love Powerade. And now I love this rapper. A plethora of songs spotted in ad spots this month. I hope this doesn't feel cheap. I'm not Daniel Dawson, I'm not getting kickbacks for all this free pub.

18. My Country- tUnE-yArDs
This girl is weird. Beyond weird. But I adore weird. Warning: this is not for everyone. So I'll go ahead and admit my weirdness too.

19. Night Air- Jamie Woon
This dude is the next big thing. He's killing Britain right now. Were next. This is the single that's doing the damage.