Emily Webb -The Senior Collection-
Emily Webb is a girl you want to meet. She's a fun medley, a patchwork of pretty, brimming with constant verve. If I put my Disney glasses on and stared in the direction of Emily, she'd be cartooned into a peppy sunflower, with a dancing habit, and a laughing complex. Seriously though, she could have her own short film. Tell Pixar.
Over the course of our marathon drive to hidden locations, she discussed the importance of family, the intimacy between her and her sisters, and of course, boy troubles. The weather was cold & Bill Paxton must have been near by filming a "Twister" sequel because the wind power was F5 worthy. But throughout the grim climate, she remained unclouded and devastatingly charismatic. I kept thinking, this is probably normal behavior, she probably makes rising above treacherous atmospheres a daily routine. It's also slightly ironic that she works for a company thats slogan claims to give you wings. Not needed. This girl creates her own wings. This is Emily Webb.